Sweet Tea, Real Brewed Iced Tea
Take the tea bags out – don't squeeze them. Well, you can if you want but the theory is that if you squeeze the tea bags the tea will be bitter. I've never actually tried it because I've been too intimidated by the thought of bitter tea … the power of the collective conscious hard at work.
At any rate — take the bags out. Add the sugar to the hot water and stir well to make sure the sugar dissolves. Fill the pitcher with ice, and let it sit for about 20 minutes. The hot water will melt enough of the ice to dilute the tea and it will cool down quickly. If you save your tea bags then you can add another cup of hot water to them, add another 1/4 cup sugar and add that back into the first pitcher later in the day if you think it's getting too dilute. I personally haven't had the tea sitting around long enough for that to happen, but in theory it could.
We took several of the crldihen to Niagara Falls and over into Canada one Summer several years ago, and almost every one of us ordered iced tea at lunch and dinner.And Every Single Time, we were served some kind of Raspberry Tea (I especially recognized it because raspberry is one of the few flavors I just don’t like). The most disconcerting thing was that it had some kind of fizzy component, like it was mixed with club soda or ginger ale.And we asked every time for Just Plain Iced Tea, and we got the same stuff—maybe four different times and places, and in both countries.I wonder if that flavor/texture is a regional thing, and if it IS Just Plain Tea to folks in that area, and just a matter of taste.